Friday, March 1, 2013

3rd Chakra Whale

On February 25th I created a SoulCollage® card that in the SoulCollage realm of working would be considered in the Companion Suit. This suit respresents the energetic dimension of our lives through animal energies and chakra energies.  Seena Frost calls animal totems our "chakra allies", informing us through their energetic qualities.

Creating and sitting with this card was very helpful to me during a difficult time emotionally - and I feel Kaya will offer more wisdom as she journies with me (now embodied on a card) into the future

To find out more about SoulCollage® click on the link with its name.

Dear One,
Lose not your sight or self in the petals of life; rather keep to your center and you shall stay whole. This you must do to truly sing the song of your soul.
In love, light, peace,
Kaya, 3rd chakra whale
I am one who trusts the process of life allowing the depths of creative imagination and inspiration to inform me from within. In this way, I connect with Source, and flowing outward into the world forge a unique path of sharing, shining forth the power of wholeness with Love and Gentleness. I joyfully communicate through my being and from my Heart – I Am/We Are ONE with the Light.
My message for you is this: Find that deep abiding and everlasting Joy within that is not dependent on externals. Become that Joy. Embody that Love.


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