Friday, May 30, 2014

Inspiration for May 30, 2014

On this day of Self-Existing Human in the Wavespell of Red Moon and Day 1 of the 12th Crystal Rabbit Moon of Cooperation,  (according to the Dreamspell System),  some writing came to me for a SoulCollage card that I made on May 23rd.

I feel moved to share here and hope that it holds something of value for all who are so inclined to view and to read - Enjoy! :-)

In Lak'ech


In Rhythm and Resonance 3: Dancing with the Sun


Honoring my ancestors and generations yet to come, the Continuity and Breath of Spirit pulse, coursing through me as a Sacred River: Flowering Life Force nurtured by Universal Waters…

...I hear the Heartbeat

I am one who dances with the Sun in Rhythm and Resonance with my Divine Feminine Nature.

Radiant and Receptive, Passionate and Compassionate, I am both a beacon for and a receiver of LOVE, uniting Heart and Mind in devotion to the Divine.

Filled with gratitude, I embrace what I now understand of my Unfolding Purpose in the Cosmic Play of Light, allowing the Sacred River that eternally flows and changes, to cleanse me and to inform me.

Finding Freedom in flow, I humbly ask for Divine Guidance as I Dance Life, ever revealing and realizing Self in new ways


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Happy Wesak, Full Moon in Taurus/Scorpio, and Yellow Magnetic Warrior

Happy Wesak and Full Moon in Taurus/Scorpio as well as Day 1 of the Yellow Warrior (Warrior of Love) Wavespell. Potent energies abound for this May 14th, 2014 as we move to unite Heart and Mind, and blend Love and Wisdom within ourselves, empowered and preparing to take inspired and co-operative action - from a deep and centered place....fully Present.
I'm sharing a SoulCollage card drawn for my daily practice today along with a poem that was written this morning...all seemed to assist me in understanding more deeply the energies and potential of the day..I hope all who are moved to read enjoy.
In Lak'ech
Breath of Spirit
Healing and Filling
Heart and Mind Temple
With Luminous Light
Sacred Union
Reflecting Moon
Night Blossoming Lotus
Gentle Wings
In Sacred Flight…
Return to the Garden
Deep Peace
Seeding Stars

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Spring Equinox

On this Day of Spring Equinox when the Season of Water and Winter gives Way to Fire and Spring, I celebrate the Ouroboros of conscious continuity, endings and new beginnings and WHOLENESS.

Spring is a Season of Alchemy, Movement, and Sacred Flight after several Moons of Cocooning and Stillness...On the Astrology wheel it is the watery and collective domain of Pisces and endings giving birth to the Fiery aspiration of new life and new beginnings: Pisces, Aries - WE ARE/I AM

Seeds planted (some long ago) are beginning to sprout...and there comes a new sense of freedom and of being unencumbered - a sense of excitement and of timing as we move anew into the world

Below is a SoulCollage card that I made in May, 2013 and drew yesterday (March 19, 2014) for my daily practice.  The writing accompanying the card was done this morning (March 20, 2014).

In Rhythm and Resonance
Silver meets Gold
Inner and Outer, World and Self, Self and Other
Pulsing Rivers of Life Run, Flowing
Carving Destinies upon the Enduring Vessel of Soul.
Hand skilled in the Mystery of 2
Works in co-operative alliance
Becoming the 3rd point of light
Finding FREEDOM in stillness, in movement, in sacred flight
Discovering the full range and depth of power

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Alchemy of SoulCollage® and Aura-Soma®

It could be said that The Rainbow is the result, or manifestation, of the union of Sun-light (Super-conscious illumination and enlightenment) with Water (the Great Sub-Conscious and the Mysterious Unknown).

Continuing to work with the combination of SoulCollage® and Aura-Soma© is a deepening blessing in my life. Over time I am understanding more and it is with excitement and enthusiasm that I share some words that came to me about the inner and outer workings of the combination’s  process:

“SoulCollage® and Aura-Soma® are both trademarked Methods of Soul Work and self-selective modes of Healing and Self Discovery.

Soul-Collage® primarily uses Imagery and secondarily Word seeking to create powerful and transformative openings into the Unconscious.

Aura-Soma® utilizes primarily the energy of Color and secondarily that of the Plant and Mineral Kingdoms seeking to tap the Super-Conscious in powerfully opening and connecting ways.

My experience is that Together they are potently Alchemical.”

Simply put, Water (Subconscious) reflecting and refracting Sunlight (Fire- Super-conscious) is the formula for a Rainbow to appear.

Rainbow as a symbol has many significances across cultures and time with meanings rich and ancient. A few are:

Hope, Promise - A sign of God’s Promise

Calm, Brilliance after a Storm



Wholeness - Embracing the Spectrum

Interplay of Fire (Sun) and Water (Rain, Mist, Dew) = Alchemy and Transformation


Light passing through a prism to create color


Representation of Energy and Vibration

Entry into another dimension

Rainbow Bridge is a reference to the connection between heaven and earth, or the thread that consciously links the Soul and personality, path of union between lower and higher mind. (antahkarana)

As I ponder and reflect upon these and the symbol as guide and existing both within and without I am creating and painting the Art that is my Life with the colors I choose free of labels and impositions. This is how I attune to the Divine in me, in You , in ALL Beings, and utilize the gentle power of the Rainbow...

As I consider SoulCollage® through the lens of Aura-Soma® and witness others doing so as well – much additionally comes to Light. Many levels of being/understanding can be gleaned from this process:  physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.  The exploration has been fun and rewarding as well. It seems to go beyond the intellect and is filled with deep heart knowing. 

As words continue to form and as the journey continues, I’ll be sharing more here ..I welcome your comments and questions.

PS - The wotds Aura-Soma and SoulCollage in the first paragraph above (and below the Eye) are linked to websites with more information about each. Please explore there too if you are unfamiliar with either or both systems.
In Lak'ech

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Inspiration for the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Inspiration for the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus
Week 2, Day 1: Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation
I share a SoulCollage card made in Feb, 2012 called "New Earth" ; writing for the card was done in January 2013 - this card was chosen today for my daily practice.
It feels particulary potent for me personally and also feels to capture the energy and potential of the time and a process unfolding for humanity.
Life Advances through My Attitudes and actions is a meditation I use often in SoulCollage workshops. I don't know the Source.


New Earth:

 Into the garden of my hearts true delight, I take the Path less travelled gently holding new Life and New Story as I rise from the ashes free to be me. I walk my way with Confidence and Passion as I embrace my Wild Hearts calling growing like a wildflower: free and in beauty and joy each day. I am a child of the New Earth in the time of the Sun of Flowers. I love myself and others unconditionally

Life Advances through my Attitudes and Actions:

 Life extends itself through Life. I am a channel for Life to expand and flourish. I am a branch reaching for the Sun. As I reach my full potential, I aid and enhance all of Life. My good is good for everyone. My growth is growth for everyone. As I advance, we advance. The Universe moves through me. I move through the Universe. There is harmony, grace and power in my/our unfolding.
In Lak'ech

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Full Moon in Libra - Blue Self-Existing Night

Today’s Full Moon in Libra is highlighted by an opposition to the planet Uranus now in Aries. Uranus is the soul-centered ruler of Libra as well as being the hierarchical (pure, of the spirit) ruler of Aries. The Sun in Aries is also conjoined by both Uranus and Venus (personality centered ruler of Libra)  thus also opposite the moon in this powerful Full Moon configuration.  An opposition is an awareness aspect.

This Sun, Venus and Uranus conjunction is very auspicious indeed (involving Libras Soul and Personality Rulers) and pregnant with possibilities for expressing the Art of Living.  We may be assessing our inner and outer lives and how best to blend them at this time.  As we come to Center and balance during this place of Pause, deep integration can take place.

Today is also a Galactic Activation Portal Day in the system of Dreamspell.  On GAP days the veil between worlds is thinner making it more possible to access directly from Source the guidance and inspiration that we seek.

The Daykeeper is Blue Night and the tone is 4, Self-Existing.  Blue Night is connected with the planet Saturn that defines our limits and boundaries (and also those of the known world). It could also be said that Blue Night indicates the point at which we access Saturn as Wise Teacher who has  helped us with the structure of our lives and has aided us in seeing our innate gifts. Blue Night pilgrimages deep within to find and to utilize the pearls and Soul gifts that await deep in the Sanctuary of Self.

Whereas Saturn defines the known world, Uranus is the first planet that cannot be seen without the aid of a telescope.  Uranus is the first transpersonal planet, the unknown,  a change agent,  and ultimately the energy of Expansion of Consciousness which also equals LOVE.

What each one of us must do to expand our awareness and become these vehilcles for Love on the planet is a personal matter to each one of us and our individual journey. The opportunity exists at this time to both challenge and support ourselves and each other, and to access what we've yet to imagine or know. What each one of us chooses ultimately will effect us all.

As we expand and grow in awareness and Love with and for ourselves we grow in our ability to Love others too .  We grow in the ability and desire to harmonize and blend elements of difference and uniqueness beautifully into our individual and collective Wholes.  

Let us be pioneers in this new world together – what shall we create? The possibilities are endless and infinite. Focus on Intuition and Inspiration.  Be the Love. Allow Love to be the Bridge and the Foundation into the Future. Dance and Sing for the One Heart!

In Lak'ech