Friday, December 21, 2012

Blessed Solstice 2012

"White Dove Crow Council"
" I am one who is committed to transforming all that binds me and who is devoted to being a catalyst at the point of choice for myself and for others.
Timelessness and the Flame of Spirit guide and empower me/us; the inner flame that unites us all.  I know that I am never really alone."
On this day of Blue Crystal Hand/Yellow Self-Existing Sun we commit to becoming all we can be.  At One with Source, in formed wholeness and formless potential,  freeing ourselves to lift the veil with hands of healing and wholing, we open the next chapter of our lives;
.. dancing like we never have danced before, giving voice to sacred ancient/future ways as vessels of divine fire in peace, unity, and with Love and in the spirit of cooperation - attuned to the crystal grid and to the one heart flame
In Lak'ech

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Mythic Call - The Time is Now

The Mythic Call!

Once upon a time, a galactic council was called and a mythic call was sent out to countless light beings: the children of the Sun, the angelic winged ones, the Sun runners, the rainbow warriors, and other luminous ones from many star systems. This great circle of light beings gathered from far and wide. At the appointed nexus, the Love of the Spinning Galaxies, the Great Spirit, entered, gracing them all with celestial light and the following words.

"You are invited to incarnate upon a world where a great transformation will take place, " began the Love of the Spinning Galaxies. "You who respond to this call will go to a place of planetary evolution where the illusions of fear and separation are strong teachers. I am calling those with the needed talents and gifts to act as my emissaries there, to lift and transform the frequencies of planet Earth, simply by embodying and anchoring love's presence there. In this myth, you will be the creators of a new reality, the reality of the golden octave. "

The Love of the Spinning Galaxies continued: "On other journeys, each of you has proven to be a “feeling navigator,” able to awaken your consciousness and align your heart to the promptings of pure love and compassionate service. As Sun runners and torch bearers, you have already demonstrated that you will hold the light high. And so, I invite you to incarnate en masse among the tribes of Earth to assist Gaia and all her children in their transformation.

"It is part of the plan that you will be veiled in forgetting," the Mystery of the Spinning Galaxies went on. "However, as you remember the feeling of childlike innocence and trust, you will become the harmonic leavening in this cycle of initiation for Earth. You will incarnate strategically, often in some of the most vibrationally dense areas on the planet. To some, this illusion of separation from love may create feelings of hopelessness, lack of support, and alienation. But by embracing your humanness, your love will transform the depths of duality, and your light will quicken the many.

"Your participation on this quest is purely voluntary; however, this transformational shift on Earth is very rare and precious. Should you choose to accept this mission, you will have the opportunity to catalyze and synthesize all that you have been during many incarnations, receiving a rarely offered quantum leap in consciousness. It is up to you to choose how you will dance with Terra Gaia and her children as she completes her ceremony of light."

So spoke the Creator, the Light of the Spinning Galaxies. And so it was that the luminous beings who formed the countless alliances, federations, and councils of the faithful of the stars chose to incarnate on planet Earth to assist in this crucial event, the awakening of the planetary dream. There was even a fail-safe process built into the plan to awaken these beings from the illusion of separation and the veil of forgetfulness that is so rife upon Earth. The luminous ones who would journey to Gaia's assistance agreed to spark each other's remembrance. Thus, these starseeded ones were encoded in many ways with sounds, colors, lights, images, words, and symbols -- a vibrational resonance that would assist them in remembering their commitment to the light. It was agreed that these coded clues would appear everywhere: in visionary art and music, in penetrating looks, in speech and feelings -- all creating a deep yearning to awaken and become the embodiment of love.

So it is that you, the children of the Sun, are now being bathed in the waters of remembrance, prepared as rainbow warriors to fulfill the promise of the new and ancient myth. By simply anchoring love's presence on Earth, you lovingly draw down the mantle of the gods, sending waves of healing and love throughout Gaia's eagerly receptive body. As you emerge in this time, your gifts awaken and empower others. Utilizing the tools of laughter, song, dance, humor, joy, trust, and love, you are creating the powerful surge of transformation that will transmute the limitations of the old myth of duality and separation, birthing the miracle of unity and peace on Earth.

Utilize your gifts on behalf of Gaia. In a supernova of consciousness, Gaia and her children will ascend in robes of light, forming a luminous light body of love, to be reborn among the stars! The mythic call has been sounded. The great quest has begun. Awaken, rainbow warriors, Sun runners, luminous beings from the galactic alliances, federations, and councils! Ancient skywalkers, newly formed in this moment, stand in the beauty and power of your true identity as love's gift to Gaia. Set aside self-doubt. You are the divine child of the Sun! Go where your heart draws you to share your great gifts. Surrender to the magic and the light. The miracle will be manifested on Earth. Remember, we dance and sing here for the One Heart."

Excerpt from “The Mayan Oracle”: Return Path to the Stars" by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner

Monday, December 17, 2012

Blue Galactic Night

Today, December 17, 2012, is in the Dreamspell System, day of Blue Galactic Night.

Blue Night is one of the 20 "Tribes" of the Dreamspell and some key phrases are: Abyss, sanctuary, 'looks within' place, journey into self, dreamtime, mystery, serenity

Galactic is the 8th of thirteen tones and is linked with empowerment, path of the one heart, galactic grid, harmonic resonance

I choose a SoulCollage card as part of my daily practice, jounaling with the card and connecting it with the energies of the day and with my life. The card I drew today is called Yemaya Dreaming and as of this morning the card had no I am one who statement. (see this link for an explanation of SoulCollage and I am One Who)

I've felt a deep wordless connection to this card, and drawing it on a day of Blue Galactic Night has provided much insight into what had been without words for me. The words and energies are written in and resounding through Blue Galactic Night. An I am one who statement flowed today to accompany Yemaya Dreaming and I have shared it below.

“Traveling the Path of the One Heart, I pilgrimage deep within to the Sanctuary of Self to gather the pearls awaiting there. I am one who is Dreaming Heart-felt Visions alive.”

Be sure to check the Dreamspell link if you are interested in learning more about this system

In La'Kech
(I am another yourself}

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Rainbow Birds in Flight

 ~A Rainbow Prayer~

  I walk Gently upon this Earth with Spirit strong
I speak my Truth, Dance Life joyfully,
Free my Spirit, and Sing my Soul Song
I Sing with you ALL of the colors
the Children of the Rainbow sing
I Dream, I am Visionary, I Enchant
from Deep within the ONE Heart Flame
and with Authenticity
 I Create - I Am
I walk in Beauty, in Balance, and in Love
then, taking wing, I Fly
May my Life and I BE a Rainbow Bridge
between Earth and Sky
As I awaken more fully
I see the great Medicine Wheels of Time
as links in an even greater chain
of Universal Healing sublime
Turning, Turning ever more Consciously
I am Feeling the Power in my Hands
to become all I can Be, all that I Am
I Believe in YOU and in ME
Together WE create a Vision of Splendor
As we follow our Destinies
Now is the Time!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Across The Ages

“I am one who is witnessing the magical motion of the spiral through the greater and lesser cycles of time. In this timeless space, I am free”

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Revisiting SoulCollage© Cards through the lens of Aura-Soma©

It’s been very rewarding  to look back through my SoulCollage®  cards and in retrospect visit the color correspondences of Aura-Soma®  together with my original I Am One Who’s…

(if you are reading about the SoulCollage®  and Aura-Soma®  connection for the first time please see additional writings by clicking HERE.)
Several weeks ago I drew a card for my daily practice draw called Butterfly Warrior that was originally created at my SoulCollage® Facilitators training in August 2010, and posted here on this blog in October 2010. It speaks about a very intense yet freeing journey of the Heart that has been a significant part of my life.

“I am one who emerges from a powerful
storm transformed having witnessed in the stillness at the eye”

Looking through the lens of Aura-Soma®  in August 2012, I chose 4 bottles for this card:
B100, B89, B55, B83

B100 Archangel  Metraton is the most prominent.   

Main Theme: The light coming into the shadow
Affirmation: I see all things as they are

“Connecting with what brings the possibility of wholeness from the depths of our being to alleviate suffering”

B89: Energy Rescue  

Tarot Correspondence: Return Journey of Strength
Affirmation: I am open to see the creativity in all aspects of life that present themselves to me

“A new window or portal; time-shift; gateway to a new understanding, a new possibility for enthusiastic well-being”

B55: The Christ

Tarot Correspondence: 10 of Swords
Affirmation: I awaken to the mystery of the body as love
“The energy to work with and for the light, Awakening to and Grounding the light within. The opportunity to see purpose”

B83 – Open Sesame

Turquoise and Gold 
Tarot Correspondence: Return Journey of the Hierophant
Affirmation: I am open to the wisdom that is revealing itself to me that I may share it from my heart
I open myself to the deepest joy so that I may share it with others
“The depths of wisdom expressed in a new way. Wisdom communicated through the feeling side of being. Old wine in new skins“

I am going to focus here on the last bottle, B83,  and its significance in the card and in my life. This color combination is found on the butterfly’s wings as it flies to freedom. Although only a small amount of this is showing , it feels extremely significant to the story and in its placement…and for the future
This is how I am choosing to work with color; by following my inner prompts as to what to use and when…
As I contemplate the many doors that have opened to me (open sesame) and the many things I’ve learned that I feel prompted to share I smile at the connection and realize that there is no turning back.
The Butterfly suggests that as well as it is a living creature whose DNA is actually altered through its phases of development.
The Journey into the eye of a powerful storm has brought me to a different place; a portal to a new understanding (B89) and has shined light into the shadows creating a new dawn in the inner world (B100).  I had been filled with renewed energy and have found purpose (B55)…and as I  share from the heart, many new doors have opened and are continuing to opening to me (B83)..

In Lak'ech
(I am another yourself)

Dreamspell Day of Whilte Electric Wizard: Longcount Blue Galactic Hand

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Navigating Transition - Sunday August 19, 2012

Visit Mili's Daily Oasis page for more information and to sign up for Navigating Transition.
We hope to see you there!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Venus: Creative Transformation and the Blending of Divine Masculine and Feminine

Actualizing the Potential for Individuation in Harmony with our Divine Purpose:
Venus is to the Earth what the Soul is to the Personality

June 5 (and 6 depending on where you reside) is the first day of Venus’s pass over the face of the Sun (the phenomena is called an occultation) Occultation’s occur in 2 parts (8 years apart) and the entire cycle of 2 parts have many years between them. The 1st part of this same cycle took place in June 2004. An Occultation of Venus and the Sun occurred before this in 1874 and 1882.
The zodiac sign this Occultation occurs in is Gemini, of which Venus is the Soul-Centered Ruler. It is said in the system of soul-centered (esoteric) astrology that Gemini changes, mutates and adjusts everything that is necessary for the evolution of the Soul, both individually and collectively (and indeed the two are related).
Gemini and Venus rule the Rainbow Bridge (antakarana), the vehicle through which the conscious connection of Soul and Personality occurs. In Gemini comes the awareness (Mercury, personality ruler) of the pairs of opposites that seek to blend harmoniously through the energies of Venus. Sun and Venus personify energetically the faces of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Archetypes as seen in the Major Arcana card of the Tarot “The Lovers”, linked with the sign Gemini.
Venus turned retrograde on May 15 at 23 Gemini 59.  Venus remains retrograde through June 27. The retrograde cycle of Venus (ruling Taurus and Libra on a personality level) directs the planetary energy within and often urges us to re-evaluate the nature of our relationships and our values. This includes all types relationships with people and also with our work, with money and possessions and our relationship with ourselves). Each individual alive will have a different focus and will be working through their own life issues and growing realizations.

It is the sincere inquiry and evaluation of what we see and find within that invokes the Soul level expression of Venus to acknowledge, accept, harmonize , and blend the existing duality in our lives. How do we become a truer expression of our inner life on the outside? How do we follow best the dictates of our own Hearts? Does the energy we expend in life reflect our values? Do our possessions and how we use them reflect our values? Do our relationships support our continued growth? What kind of relationship do we have with ourselves? How do we love ourselves and others unconditionally? These are some of the questions we might be asking ourselves and concepts that may be presented to us through situations in our lives. Collectively speaking what each one of us does to increase our consciousness and collapse duality has an effect on all of humanity. Venus in Gemini on a soul level sees the greater purpose behind any relationship.
June 5, 2012 is also Day of Yellow Galactic (8) Star according to the system of Dreamspell.

Yellow Galactic Star
I harmonize in order to beautify
Modeling art
I seal the store of elegance
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of free will

To me these 2 are linked (Venus/Sun Occultation and Yellow Galactic Star) through the 5 pointed Star that connects Yellow Star as Mayan Daykeeper and the Star (17) as Tarot Archetype traditionally linked with the sign of Aquarius (which is a sign on the 5th ray of Concrete Knowledge and Science) and sign of the “New Age”. Venus is also a 5th ray planet. Venus (in the Dreamspell system) is linked with Yellow Star. Yellow Star is the 8th Mayan Daykeeper. (1+7 =8)
The Five pointed star is also suggested to be linked with humanity becoming all we can be (consciously linking the Incarnational Star and the Soul Star within our subtle anatomy) to the Sacred Geometry of the Cosmos. {I’m imagining here the famous image created by Leonardo DaVinci}. The 8 year cycle of Venus, in addition, traces a five pointed star in the sky with its orbit.

And speaking of Stars, in the system of Aura-Soma®, Bottle 95, Archangel Gabriel (also called the Return Journey of the Star – return indicating the inner Journey) combines the colors designated by this system for the Incarnational Star (Gold) and the Soul Star (Magenta). The bottom section of an Aura-Soma® Bottle indicates a Soul Talent (conscious or not) While the upper fraction indicates a personality talent that supports the Soul and is a vehicle for the Soul Talent to express through. In bottle 95, the bottom fraction is Gold and indicating a Soul Talent of the ability to teach others to connect with their Inner Wisdom, and Magenta as a Personality talent is a vehicle for Grace to come through. In other words, I believe Archangel Gabriel is speaking to us now as Grace-Filled (Venus) messenger from the Stars, urging us to get in touch with our true purpose (Inner Gold/Sun) if we have not already. Now is the Time!

So what does this all mean?
As we straddle the cusps of the ages of Pisces/Virgo and Aquarius/Leo the Star symbol is particularly potent. Within each and every one of us lie that Star of Inner Awakening that links us to the Cosmos. The energies of this time are creating numerous gates and thresholds of opportunity whereby we can discover a greater sense of purpose and meaning in our lives and live inspired in a whole new way; the Art of Living!
Harmony and the Beauty Way can be ours if this is what we choose. December 21, 2012, marks the closing of a Cycle and the beginning of the new, according to the Mayan's. The return of both Quetzalcoatl (and his much less spoken about twin sister Quetzalpetlatl) harmoniously linked and rising in equality marks the turning of the wheel.

The Alignment of the Earth, Sun and Venus at this time is a powerful opening toward that new beginning and in reality a vibrational shift. Let us open our Hearts to the new day dawning and become the shining stars that we are!

"I think of Living as the process of painting a masterpiece: every breath, experience, and intention adds to the beauty of my blank canvas. The vibrancy of the colors of life are evident when I cherish myself unconditionally." ~The Nature of Infinite Love and Gratitude

In La’Kech
(I am another yourself)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sharings from Sara Gerhardt

One Sunday each month I facilitate a SoulCollage® gathering at Enchanted Moments in Milford, Ohio. Sara Gerhardt, resident SomaEnergetics(TM) Certified Master Sound Therapy Teacher (tuning forks) and Intuitive Medium is a wonderfully creative part of our group. She has agreed to share some of her cards and IAOW's here!

We have alot of fun doing SoulCollage® at Enchanted Moments thats incredibly meaningful too - Please consider joing us -  check the SoulCollage® website, Enchanted Moments Calendar.  or my blog under Current Offerings for dates and times.

Thanks, Sara, for sharing your amazing cards and IAOW's!!

Am I one who is sleep-walking through life? I don’t want to be.
I am one who wants to keep my eyes wide open and experience
the vibrant colors of my true authentic self. It is when I try to walk
in someone else’s shoes that I feel “strapped” in a confined space
unable to flip flop through each day. I am one who needs
a lot of wiggle room.

I am one who has lived a life predominantly shaped and
influenced by Art. The world is a colorful palette.
Everywhere I look I am inspired. When I am one within
my personal space I am inspired by the art that is Me.
When I look out the window I am inspired by the art of the world.
All the world is Art. I am one who is colorful, bright, vibrant,
intense, imaginative, creative, and moving art.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wildflower Portal - Happy Red Earth Day

There are portals everywhere if we are open to seeing them -
open to a less overt path.

“ I am one who is opening to the magic of being vulnerable, trusting and allowing doorways to the infinite to become visible to me.
As I dance with veil drawn back I am informed by intuition, supported by Universal Life Force and held in Love by Earth Mother. I am a wild flower, delicate and strong.”

In La'Kech
Dreamspell Day of Red Solar Earth

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Prayer

On February 26th, 2012, I created a SoulCollage card that I randomly chose today (March 29) as the card for my daily practice. As I reflected upon the card today it spoke to me (and had not previously in words) through an I Am One Who statement

~A Prayer
I am one who is witnessing the majesty of Universal Fire being received into the gentle yet strong arms of Goddess. This powerful alliance has the potential to harness the depths of emotion for the greater good.
I turn my prayers from those of asking for forgiveness for my transgressions to those of gratitude for all that has been given to me/us.
My devotion and focus turns to Passion and Loving more completely beginning with myself. As I do, I honor my own ebb and flow, and the ebb and flow of others gleaning a deeper understanding of the ebb and flow of the Ages.
As I become more aware of the wisdom painstakingly painted and lovingly woven into the ever-evolving landscape, I have greater access to that which is inherent within me. I Am/We Are threads in this fine design, a Sea of Suns shining brightly. Out of my/our chaos arises a new order; each dawn is a miracle of new Life.

May we all Realize and Radiate our True Natures

In La'Kech

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Inner Dance of the Eagle and Condor

Combining and Integrating Traditional Mayan and DreamSpell  Day-keepers,
and a SoulCollage® Card that illustrates a process of synthesis

There’s  a  Prophesy held by the Indigenous peoples of the Americas:
"When the Condor of the south flies with the Eagle of the north, a new day for Earth will awaken!"

These symbolic words have many interpretations and levels of meaning.

One of the most commonly held in terms of the bigger picture for humanity, is that this prophecy speaks to the balancing of materialism and spirituality;  materialism as is lived/coveted by many in North America – the philosophy of ‘the All American Dream” where money, power and influence are the goals for so many, in contrast to the Condor of South America representing the philosophy and life style where connection to the land and Spirituality are primary and where many live materially impoverished lives. This can be broadened to include locations all over the globe.

The Eagle/Condor metaphor has also been used to convey the gap between indigenous peoples and their traditional lifestyle and the more modern outer achivement driven ways of being that are prevalent today and the need for balancing these ways of being.

The above all or nothings are (to me) stereotypical notions in many respects. No one culture or group owns or embodies fully either materialism alone or a spiritual connection. We all have a combination of these vibrational tendencies within us that seek to become balanced in order to make life meaningful and ourselves whole.

 The fulfilling of the Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor in essence begins within each and every one of us. We, one by one, create the reality in which we exist. The more of us that attune to our balanced nature, the more our external reality will reflect the balance collectively…and the Eagle and Condor will fly together in the Sky. What a beautiful sight!

How does this relate to traditional Mayan and Dreamspell Daykeepers?  Well, it seems as though the traditional Mayan daykeeper may connect with Yang energy/Eagle – what we might DO to become all we can BE (reflective of the Dreamspell galactic signature - Yin/Condor).

I’ve been working with a hypothesis proposed by Tracey Gendron of Light Center about the way in which these 2 Daykeepers work together within us.  I am feeling the connection and am inspired by the possibilities. In working with my own Daykeepers, I’ve come to realize much more deeply the resonance of the Eagle and Condor within me. In reading for and connecting with others I am inspired by the almost immediate resonance and recognition of the energies at work and the feelings of Deep Truth and Confirmation.

On Christmas Day 2011 I created four SoulCollage® cards. I’ve since realized that one of them is an expression of my own internal dance of Eagle and Condor. The dance is different for everyone! I am  thrilled to have had this realization and to witness the imagery that the process of synthesizing creates!

Some Keywords for each are

Yellow Human: chalice, open vessel, emptiness, cornucopia, expanded self, quickening, Heart Chakra

Meditation: I am the cosmic cornucopia,ever singing through you the gifts of the spiraling galaxies
Affirmation: I am the open chalice. I am the joyful expression of the abundance of the Universe

Blue Eagle: hope, commitment, compassionate service, dreams and visions, planetary mind, belief in oneself, third eye, violet flame, Crown Chakra

Meditation: "Feel the power of my mighty wings draw you near. Follow me to the one Heart at the crystalline core.
Affirmation: With vision and hope, I dance and sing here for the one heart.

Interestingly, Blue Crystal Eagle (Eagle, the symbol for Yang) is my Dreamspell (Yin/Condor) Daykeeper. My Longcount is Yellow Magnetic Human, connected with planet Earth and the Heart Chakra (Yin/Condor)

How can the Yin Feminine Condor message be expressed without the Yang Masculine Eagle component of doing?  I’ve come to realize over time the necessity of both and this has been part of my journey to balance and embrace the polarities.

When I reflect on my life this interchange makes sense in the most profound ways and underscores a certain complexity and polarity (yet essential Unity) of the energies at work. (Blue Crystal Eagle - Crystal = Complex Stability; Yellow Manetic Human - Magnetic = Source/Indivisible Essence).

This sharing only touches the surface of the archetypal (20) and tonal (13) possibilities (260) that combine and express in and though us all in highly individualized ways. This interplay can be explored simply or with great complexity and is consciousness expanding by its very nature. I hope that my sharing will spark some interest in learning about this powerful system as well as experimenting in imagery with SoulCollage©.

Please read this beautifuly written, deep and rich piece by Barry Frazer about Eagle and Condor

And see my Dreamspell Page for more information on the Daykeepers and the 2 systems, traditional Mayan and Dreamspell. There will be more to come in the near future!

In Lak’ ech
(I Am another Yourself)


“I am one who strives to see clearly with the eyes of my Heart that which is
[to me] of real and true value. It is upon this sight that I build my Vision”