SoulCollage® is a Heart Based intuitive and transformative collage process designed to tap the Wisdom within. It honors process and product in equal measure and encourages wholeness through utilizing right and left brain techniques.
The process is a simple one of choosing images, then cutting and pasting chosen images to cards. Together the cards made create an ever-evolving deck that symbolizes the Self as Whole and ever in the process of change. Each individual card represents an aspect of that Self. Seena Frost, the creator the SoulCollage® system, refers to it as the practice of the One and the Many.
The images can be from magazines and books, photographs, or imagery you've created - add paint, marker and other media if you choose. The possibilities are endless.
Journaling with your card is the next step, and formulating what is known as an “I am One Who” statement. That personalizes the process of card creation and what the specific imagery on the card says to the collage creator, YOU. It is much different than merely descibing what is on the card as you'll see if you visit any of my posts here that include Cards and I Am One Who statements.
There are no special artistic skills required. Anyone can do SoulCollage® and it is so much fun! SoulCollage® encourages getting in touch with intuition and the synchronicities that make life meaningful and fun. Readings can be done with your SoulCollage® deck that offer profound insights gleaned from your own personal “Wisdom Well” that can assist with life’s questions and transitions.
SoulCollage® can be done alone or in supportive community and is easily adapted to many different types of groups, individuals, interests and environments.
Visit the SoulCollage® website to learn more about this amazing process!
Thank you to all the wonderful photographers and artists whose images have inspired SoulCollagers to recreate and discover our inner and outer worlds
In Lak'ech
(I am another yourself)
Thank you to all the wonderful photographers and artists whose images have inspired SoulCollagers to recreate and discover our inner and outer worlds
In Lak'ech
(I am another yourself)