Soul Centered Astrology and the 3 levels of ruler-ship of the Signs
The book "Soul-Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self" by Alan Oken quite literally dropped onto my foot at a Borders Bookstore in Cincinnati, Ohio sometime in the early 1990’s. I opened it and began to thumb through the pages. I saw quickly that the book was an interpretation of the work of Alice A. Bailey and the Tibetan Master Dwaj Khul. I had been attempting to read the Book by Alice Bailey called Esoteric Astrology that I had found at the public library in Cincinnati and was finding the writings obtuse and difficult, although I was drawn back to the book again and again.
Alan Oken’s book made the material accessible to me at that time. My original book is dog-eared from use. The information and teachings conveyed through the writings, the Spirit in which they were shared, and the undeniable link to a lovely and uplifting group energy became
invaluable to me.
Esoteric Astrology is based upon a study of the 7 rays. Yet for the purposes of this blog and future posts I’ll focus primarily upon the levels of planetary ruler-ship for each sign of the zodiac as an introduction and connecting thread to this more holographic astrological view.
There is much available for further study should you choose to do so.
The Three levels of ruler-ship are Personality-Centered, Soul-Centered and Hierarchical (pure, of the Spirit). The three distinctions mark 3 rites of passage also referred to as the 3 crosses . The mutable cross corresponds to the personality ruler-ships, soul-centered to the fixed cross and hierarchical to the cardinal cross.
Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable are terms used often in astrology. They attempt to define three energetic expressions, all valid and necessary for a balanced life. Cardinal expresses initiating action and moving out from, Fixed, the ability to consolidate, stabilize, and create something of value for the energy expended or action taken– Mutable seeks to disperse and to share what has been created and to allow the flow of the new to enter.
In terms of the expression of the crosses in Soul-Centered astrology, the words assume a bit of a different meaning and are referred to in reverse Mutable – Fixed – Cardinal. Fixed still remains at the Center.
Sharing our past - telling our story - may facilitate that story being deeply felt then released individually and collectively. Going within to find and secure the inner treasures, the Gold of the Soul facilitates the finding of Self and becoming centered in that Self– the Centering Self freely expresses in the world, Creating from that place of Soul and coming full Circle back to Spirit..
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
-- T.S. Eliot
The reverse wheel is the Soul's wheel and reflects the Feminine energy that balances the masculine and leads to authenticity.
**It’s important to note that having Sun or other important placements in cardinal, fixed, mutable, does not determine the level at which energy is expressing. **
An example of 3 passages through the sign of Aries might be:
Mars Ruling (Personality): An impetuous individual with little capacity to reflect – scatters energies – driven by emotions – quick to anger and lash out – fearful –urge to overpower
Mercury Ruling (Soul): Someone who is able to bring mind to the table and think before they act – what they fight for is usually a principle that includes others besides themselves – courageous – urge to focus power
Uranus Ruling (Hierarchical): Accessing the plane of intuition – guided by and the grounding of Spirit – creating new archetypes – vehicle for the Power
Within an individual 2 or 3 expressions may be active and could represent an inner struggle, and growing awareness of the Soul Quality of Life.
In the context of a natal chart it is interesting to see where the planets in rulership are and what aspects they make to each other and to other planets.
The Seven Rays Mentioned:
Ray 1: Will and Power
Ray 2: Love and Wisdom
Ray 3: Active Intelligence
Ray 4: Harmony Through Conflict
Ray 5: Concrete Science
Ray 6: Devotion and Idealism
Ray 7: Ceremonial Order and Magic
Each ray has a distinct function
Each zodiac sign in this system is described in terms of Light – and also has 2 phrases that describe levels of manifestation
Aries – the Light of Life Itself - rays 1 and 7
Personality Centered Ruler – Mars (6th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Mercury (4th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Uranus (7th ray)
“Let form again be sought”
“I come forth and from the plane of mind I rule”
Taurus – the Penetrating Light of the Path - 4th ray
Personality Centered Ruler – Venus (5th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Vulcan (1st ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Vulcan (1st ray)
“Let struggle be undismayed”
“I see and when the eye is open, all if Light”
Gemini – The Light of Interplay - 2nd ray
Personality Centered Ruler – Mercury (4th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Venus (5th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Earth (3rd ray)
“Let instability do its work”
“I see my other self, and in the waning of that self I grow and glow”
Cancer - the Light within the form – 3rd and 7th rays
Personality Centered Ruler – Moon (4th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Neptune (6th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Neptune (6th ray)
“let isolation be the rule, and yet the crowd exists”
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”
Leo – the Light of the Soul” – 1st and 5th rays
Personality Centered Ruler – Sun (2nd ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Sun (Neptune) rays 2 and 6
Hierarchical Ruler – Sun (Uranus) rays 2 and 7
“Let other forms exist, I rule because I am”
“I am that and that I am”
Virgo – the blended dual Light- rays 2 and 6
Personality Centered Ruler – Mercury (4th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Moon (4th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Jupiter (2nd ray)
“Let matter reign”
“I am the Mother and the Child, I God, I Matter Am”
Libra –the Light that moves to rest- 3rd ray
Personality Centered Ruler – Venus (5th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Uranus (7th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Saturn (3rd ray)
“Let choice be made”
“I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force”
Scorpio – the Light of day – 4th ray
Personality Centered Ruler – Pluto (1st ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Mars (6th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Mercury (4th ray)
“Let maya flourish and let deception rule”
“Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant”
Sagittarius – a beam of directed, focused Light – rays 4, 5 and 6
Personality Centered Ruler – Jupiter (2nd ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Earth (3rd ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Mars (6th ray)
“Let food be sought”
“I see the goal, I reach that goal, and then I see another”
Capricorn – the Light of Initiation – rays 1, 3 and 7
Personality Centered Ruler – Saturn (3rd ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Saturn (3rd ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Venus (5th ray)
“Let ambition rule and the door stand wide”
“Lost am I in Light supernal, yet on that Light I turn my back”
Aquarius – the Light that shines on earth, across the sea – 5th ray
Personality Centered Ruler – Saturn (3rd) Uranus (7th)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Jupiter (2nd)
Hierarchical Ruler – Moon (4th ray)
“Let desire in form be the ruler”
“Water of life am I poured forth for thirsty men”
Pisces – the Light of the World – rays 2 and 6
Personality Centered Ruler – Jupiter (2nd ray) Neptune (6th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Pluto (1st ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Pluto (1st ray)
“Go forth into matter”
“I leave my father’s house, and turning back, I save”
Levels of ruler-ship can also be used to deepen the understanding of transits and progressions creating a multidimensional view, as well as enhancing our understanding of ourselves and our
connections to others.
In Lak'ech
Alan Oken’s book made the material accessible to me at that time. My original book is dog-eared from use. The information and teachings conveyed through the writings, the Spirit in which they were shared, and the undeniable link to a lovely and uplifting group energy became
invaluable to me.
Esoteric Astrology is based upon a study of the 7 rays. Yet for the purposes of this blog and future posts I’ll focus primarily upon the levels of planetary ruler-ship for each sign of the zodiac as an introduction and connecting thread to this more holographic astrological view.
There is much available for further study should you choose to do so.
The Three levels of ruler-ship are Personality-Centered, Soul-Centered and Hierarchical (pure, of the Spirit). The three distinctions mark 3 rites of passage also referred to as the 3 crosses . The mutable cross corresponds to the personality ruler-ships, soul-centered to the fixed cross and hierarchical to the cardinal cross.
Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable are terms used often in astrology. They attempt to define three energetic expressions, all valid and necessary for a balanced life. Cardinal expresses initiating action and moving out from, Fixed, the ability to consolidate, stabilize, and create something of value for the energy expended or action taken– Mutable seeks to disperse and to share what has been created and to allow the flow of the new to enter.
In terms of the expression of the crosses in Soul-Centered astrology, the words assume a bit of a different meaning and are referred to in reverse Mutable – Fixed – Cardinal. Fixed still remains at the Center.
Sharing our past - telling our story - may facilitate that story being deeply felt then released individually and collectively. Going within to find and secure the inner treasures, the Gold of the Soul facilitates the finding of Self and becoming centered in that Self– the Centering Self freely expresses in the world, Creating from that place of Soul and coming full Circle back to Spirit..
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
-- T.S. Eliot
The reverse wheel is the Soul's wheel and reflects the Feminine energy that balances the masculine and leads to authenticity.
**It’s important to note that having Sun or other important placements in cardinal, fixed, mutable, does not determine the level at which energy is expressing. **
An example of 3 passages through the sign of Aries might be:
Mars Ruling (Personality): An impetuous individual with little capacity to reflect – scatters energies – driven by emotions – quick to anger and lash out – fearful –urge to overpower
Mercury Ruling (Soul): Someone who is able to bring mind to the table and think before they act – what they fight for is usually a principle that includes others besides themselves – courageous – urge to focus power
Uranus Ruling (Hierarchical): Accessing the plane of intuition – guided by and the grounding of Spirit – creating new archetypes – vehicle for the Power
Within an individual 2 or 3 expressions may be active and could represent an inner struggle, and growing awareness of the Soul Quality of Life.
In the context of a natal chart it is interesting to see where the planets in rulership are and what aspects they make to each other and to other planets.
The Seven Rays Mentioned:
Ray 1: Will and Power
Ray 2: Love and Wisdom
Ray 3: Active Intelligence
Ray 4: Harmony Through Conflict
Ray 5: Concrete Science
Ray 6: Devotion and Idealism
Ray 7: Ceremonial Order and Magic
Each ray has a distinct function
Each zodiac sign in this system is described in terms of Light – and also has 2 phrases that describe levels of manifestation
Aries – the Light of Life Itself - rays 1 and 7
Personality Centered Ruler – Mars (6th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Mercury (4th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Uranus (7th ray)
“Let form again be sought”
“I come forth and from the plane of mind I rule”
Taurus – the Penetrating Light of the Path - 4th ray
Personality Centered Ruler – Venus (5th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Vulcan (1st ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Vulcan (1st ray)
“Let struggle be undismayed”
“I see and when the eye is open, all if Light”
Gemini – The Light of Interplay - 2nd ray
Personality Centered Ruler – Mercury (4th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Venus (5th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Earth (3rd ray)
“Let instability do its work”
“I see my other self, and in the waning of that self I grow and glow”
Cancer - the Light within the form – 3rd and 7th rays
Personality Centered Ruler – Moon (4th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Neptune (6th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Neptune (6th ray)
“let isolation be the rule, and yet the crowd exists”
“I build a lighted house and therein dwell”
Leo – the Light of the Soul” – 1st and 5th rays
Personality Centered Ruler – Sun (2nd ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Sun (Neptune) rays 2 and 6
Hierarchical Ruler – Sun (Uranus) rays 2 and 7
“Let other forms exist, I rule because I am”
“I am that and that I am”
Virgo – the blended dual Light- rays 2 and 6
Personality Centered Ruler – Mercury (4th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Moon (4th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Jupiter (2nd ray)
“Let matter reign”
“I am the Mother and the Child, I God, I Matter Am”
Libra –the Light that moves to rest- 3rd ray
Personality Centered Ruler – Venus (5th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Uranus (7th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Saturn (3rd ray)
“Let choice be made”
“I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force”
Scorpio – the Light of day – 4th ray
Personality Centered Ruler – Pluto (1st ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Mars (6th ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Mercury (4th ray)
“Let maya flourish and let deception rule”
“Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant”
Sagittarius – a beam of directed, focused Light – rays 4, 5 and 6
Personality Centered Ruler – Jupiter (2nd ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Earth (3rd ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Mars (6th ray)
“Let food be sought”
“I see the goal, I reach that goal, and then I see another”
Capricorn – the Light of Initiation – rays 1, 3 and 7
Personality Centered Ruler – Saturn (3rd ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Saturn (3rd ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Venus (5th ray)
“Let ambition rule and the door stand wide”
“Lost am I in Light supernal, yet on that Light I turn my back”
Aquarius – the Light that shines on earth, across the sea – 5th ray
Personality Centered Ruler – Saturn (3rd) Uranus (7th)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Jupiter (2nd)
Hierarchical Ruler – Moon (4th ray)
“Let desire in form be the ruler”
“Water of life am I poured forth for thirsty men”
Pisces – the Light of the World – rays 2 and 6
Personality Centered Ruler – Jupiter (2nd ray) Neptune (6th ray)
Soul-Centered Ruler – Pluto (1st ray)
Hierarchical Ruler – Pluto (1st ray)
“Go forth into matter”
“I leave my father’s house, and turning back, I save”
Levels of ruler-ship can also be used to deepen the understanding of transits and progressions creating a multidimensional view, as well as enhancing our understanding of ourselves and our
connections to others.
In Lak'ech