The Magic of Image and Archetype

Sharing the Soul Collage Process - 7th Chakra Dove and Unicorn

This Card was created on Mothers Day, May 8, 2011.
It’s a 7th chakra card.

I knew that Unicorn was my 7th chakra animal.
The dove flew in to be included on the day the card was created.
My Mom died on May 16, 2005 – the 3 weeks proceeding

her death were so intense and painful for us all!

She left peacefully and everyone in the family was there.

On May 18, the 2nd day of my 2011 wavespell that began this year on
May 17th the day after she died, I shared my card with Rita Brooks on
our SoulCollage®  day at the Recovery Center where I work.
She was commenting on how sweet it was for a “mothers day” offering.
I began to talk and all of a sudden found myself saying to Rita “The very
last thing my Mom gave to me was a Magical Unicorns deck.”

There was the connection!

Mom and I had been at Barnes and Noble on the Sunday evening before
she fell in 2005 – and she insisted on purchasing those cards for me.
In spring of 2006 that very deck was the catalyst for both Mom and Dad
speaking through a medium – here’s the story:

In spring of 2006 I went to the Victory of Light psychic fair to support
my friend Sharon who was working it . I rarely attend anymore and
had not been since 2001.
There was an artist doing mandalas for folks from what she was
“reading” in their field. Her name, Cindy Lowy. Her energy was
lovely and I was intrigued. I decided to sit down with her for a mandala
reading. On her table was a deck of Magical Unicorn Cards by
Doreen Virtue.

 I said to Cindy  “I have a deck just like that –
it’s the last thing my Mom gave me before she died!”..

and Cindy said to me “Was her name Mildred?”
Indeed it was! And she proceeded to deliver messages from both
of my parents (Dad had just died in Jan 2006) that allowed me
to know that they were alive and well on the other side.

I felt such a sense of gratitude and connection..

My Mom has been very vocal since she transitioned in 2005.
Dad not as much (which is as it always was when they
were living in the flesh). Every now and again, however, I've a profound
sense of disconnection and sadness, and in this year (2011) it has been
more intense and difficult off and on than other years for whatever reason.
I had spoken about this to a few people..
I realized during this wavepell time after the realization I had talking
with Rita that Mom was making connection again – I went home and
pulled a card randomly from the Unicorn deck – and it said -

WOW! what a lovely message and such a comfort.
This Unicorn deck seems charged and the 7th Chakra
SoulCollage® card an energetic connection.

Mom had dedicated me to the Blessed Virgin Mary when I was
born and dressed me in nothing but blue and white until age 2.
I asked her once why – and her response was because she had
been dedicated too – and this card is essentially blue and white….
not done consciously.  

And, I also then realized that this 7th Chakra card spoke about
the nature of  our relationship together and both of our relationships
to the Divine Feminine.  It was through my relationship with Mom
and Making that Peace (white Dove) with her that I was able to see the
bigger picture, appreciate her for all of her strengths and beauty,
and KNOW how much she loved me (and I her) and move beyond
the past. It was a spiritual journey for us both.

There were no regrets on either of our parts (Moms or mine)
and I never dreamed from the way things were early on that
we’d have such a special bond!. I see how this card shows the
6th chakra opening out into the magic of our journey together
(and the magic in the world) of the 7th …and I understand it spoke
about Moms journey of being a daughter (painful for her) and a
mother too…

Theres a question posed for each of the 13 days of a wavespell.
The question for day 2 is:

What are my relationships teaching me?
What are the obstacles?

My Response :
There are no obstacles, only opportunities.
Perception is Key!