About Me

Welcome to Transforming Vision!

The SoulCollage® facilitators training I completed on August 22, 2010 in Cincinnati with Mili Dillard was a magical and inspiring gathering where I learned much that I'm eager to share. I've always loved collage, venues that promote personal growth, self discovery and that offer food for the Soul, so was very drawn to SoulCollage® right away.

Creative self-expression has been an important part of navigating major transformations and transitions throughout my life. It has also been a source of great Joy and a bridge that connects me to others and all of that continues to evolve with my personal participation in and sharing of SoulCollage® .

As self-taught artist, student of life and synthesizer by nature, as well as astrologer, level 2 Aura-Soma® practitioner, and guided imagery therapist, I’m also interested in combining SoulCollage® with these and other systems and practices such as Dreamspell that I have found to be aligned with and evoke consciousness expansion and the Soul Quality of life.

Journey of the Heart, a CD of my original Poetry created in collaboration with Patti Leviton, was published in 2009.

Thanks for visiting!
I hope you find something of value for you here..


In Lak'ech (I am another yourself)
Sarah Gallant
