Combining and Integrating Traditional Mayan and DreamSpell Day-keepers,
and a SoulCollage® Card that illustrates a process of synthesis
and a SoulCollage® Card that illustrates a process of synthesis
There’s a Prophesy held by the Indigenous peoples of the Americas:
"When the Condor of the south flies with the Eagle of the north, a new day for Earth will awaken!"
These symbolic words have many interpretations and levels of meaning.
One of the most commonly held in terms of the bigger picture for humanity, is that this prophecy speaks to the balancing of materialism and spirituality; materialism as is lived/coveted by many in North America – the philosophy of ‘the All American Dream” where money, power and influence are the goals for so many, in contrast to the Condor of South America representing the philosophy and life style where connection to the land and Spirituality are primary and where many live materially impoverished lives. This can be broadened to include locations all over the globe.
The Eagle/Condor metaphor has also been used to convey the gap between indigenous peoples and their traditional lifestyle and the more modern outer achivement driven ways of being that are prevalent today and the need for balancing these ways of being.
The Eagle/Condor metaphor has also been used to convey the gap between indigenous peoples and their traditional lifestyle and the more modern outer achivement driven ways of being that are prevalent today and the need for balancing these ways of being.
The above all or nothings are (to me) stereotypical notions in many respects. No one culture or group owns or embodies fully either materialism alone or a spiritual connection. We all have a combination of these vibrational tendencies within us that seek to become balanced in order to make life meaningful and ourselves whole.
The fulfilling of the Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor in essence begins within each and every one of us. We, one by one, create the reality in which we exist. The more of us that attune to our balanced nature, the more our external reality will reflect the balance collectively…and the Eagle and Condor will fly together in the Sky. What a beautiful sight!
How does this relate to traditional Mayan and Dreamspell Daykeepers? Well, it seems as though the traditional Mayan daykeeper may connect with Yang energy/Eagle – what we might DO to become all we can BE (reflective of the Dreamspell galactic signature - Yin/Condor).
I’ve been working with a hypothesis proposed by Tracey Gendron of Light Center about the way in which these 2 Daykeepers work together within us. I am feeling the connection and am inspired by the possibilities. In working with my own Daykeepers, I’ve come to realize much more deeply the resonance of the Eagle and Condor within me. In reading for and connecting with others I am inspired by the almost immediate resonance and recognition of the energies at work and the feelings of Deep Truth and Confirmation.
On Christmas Day 2011 I created four SoulCollage® cards. I’ve since realized that one of them is an expression of my own internal dance of Eagle and Condor. The dance is different for everyone! I am thrilled to have had this realization and to witness the imagery that the process of synthesizing creates!
Some Keywords for each are
Yellow Human: chalice, open vessel, emptiness, cornucopia, expanded self, quickening, Heart Chakra
Meditation: I am the cosmic cornucopia,ever singing through you the gifts of the spiraling galaxies
Affirmation: I am the open chalice. I am the joyful expression of the abundance of the Universe
Blue Eagle: hope, commitment, compassionate service, dreams and visions, planetary mind, belief in oneself, third eye, violet flame, Crown Chakra
Meditation: "Feel the power of my mighty wings draw you near. Follow me to the one Heart at the crystalline core.
Affirmation: With vision and hope, I dance and sing here for the one heart.
Some Keywords for each are
Yellow Human: chalice, open vessel, emptiness, cornucopia, expanded self, quickening, Heart Chakra
Meditation: I am the cosmic cornucopia,ever singing through you the gifts of the spiraling galaxies
Affirmation: I am the open chalice. I am the joyful expression of the abundance of the Universe
Blue Eagle: hope, commitment, compassionate service, dreams and visions, planetary mind, belief in oneself, third eye, violet flame, Crown Chakra
Meditation: "Feel the power of my mighty wings draw you near. Follow me to the one Heart at the crystalline core.
Affirmation: With vision and hope, I dance and sing here for the one heart.
Interestingly, Blue Crystal Eagle (Eagle, the symbol for Yang) is my Dreamspell (Yin/Condor) Daykeeper. My Longcount is Yellow Magnetic Human, connected with planet Earth and the Heart Chakra (Yin/Condor)
How can the Yin Feminine Condor message be expressed without the Yang Masculine Eagle component of doing? I’ve come to realize over time the necessity of both and this has been part of my journey to balance and embrace the polarities.
When I reflect on my life this interchange makes sense in the most profound ways and underscores a certain complexity and polarity (yet essential Unity) of the energies at work. (Blue Crystal Eagle - Crystal = Complex Stability; Yellow Manetic Human - Magnetic = Source/Indivisible Essence).
This sharing only touches the surface of the archetypal (20) and tonal (13) possibilities (260) that combine and express in and though us all in highly individualized ways. This interplay can be explored simply or with great complexity and is consciousness expanding by its very nature. I hope that my sharing will spark some interest in learning about this powerful system as well as experimenting in imagery with SoulCollage©.
Please read this beautifuly written, deep and rich piece by Barry Frazer about Eagle and Condor
And see my Dreamspell Page for more information on the Daykeepers and the 2 systems, traditional Mayan and Dreamspell. There will be more to come in the near future!
This sharing only touches the surface of the archetypal (20) and tonal (13) possibilities (260) that combine and express in and though us all in highly individualized ways. This interplay can be explored simply or with great complexity and is consciousness expanding by its very nature. I hope that my sharing will spark some interest in learning about this powerful system as well as experimenting in imagery with SoulCollage©.
Please read this beautifuly written, deep and rich piece by Barry Frazer about Eagle and Condor
And see my Dreamspell Page for more information on the Daykeepers and the 2 systems, traditional Mayan and Dreamspell. There will be more to come in the near future!
In Lak’ ech
(I Am another Yourself)
“I am one who strives to see clearly with the eyes of my Heart that which is
[to me] of real and true value. It is upon this sight that I build my Vision”