Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Prayer

On February 26th, 2012, I created a SoulCollage card that I randomly chose today (March 29) as the card for my daily practice. As I reflected upon the card today it spoke to me (and had not previously in words) through an I Am One Who statement

~A Prayer
I am one who is witnessing the majesty of Universal Fire being received into the gentle yet strong arms of Goddess. This powerful alliance has the potential to harness the depths of emotion for the greater good.
I turn my prayers from those of asking for forgiveness for my transgressions to those of gratitude for all that has been given to me/us.
My devotion and focus turns to Passion and Loving more completely beginning with myself. As I do, I honor my own ebb and flow, and the ebb and flow of others gleaning a deeper understanding of the ebb and flow of the Ages.
As I become more aware of the wisdom painstakingly painted and lovingly woven into the ever-evolving landscape, I have greater access to that which is inherent within me. I Am/We Are threads in this fine design, a Sea of Suns shining brightly. Out of my/our chaos arises a new order; each dawn is a miracle of new Life.

May we all Realize and Radiate our True Natures

In La'Kech