Friday, May 30, 2014

Inspiration for May 30, 2014

On this day of Self-Existing Human in the Wavespell of Red Moon and Day 1 of the 12th Crystal Rabbit Moon of Cooperation,  (according to the Dreamspell System),  some writing came to me for a SoulCollage card that I made on May 23rd.

I feel moved to share here and hope that it holds something of value for all who are so inclined to view and to read - Enjoy! :-)

In Lak'ech


In Rhythm and Resonance 3: Dancing with the Sun


Honoring my ancestors and generations yet to come, the Continuity and Breath of Spirit pulse, coursing through me as a Sacred River: Flowering Life Force nurtured by Universal Waters…

...I hear the Heartbeat

I am one who dances with the Sun in Rhythm and Resonance with my Divine Feminine Nature.

Radiant and Receptive, Passionate and Compassionate, I am both a beacon for and a receiver of LOVE, uniting Heart and Mind in devotion to the Divine.

Filled with gratitude, I embrace what I now understand of my Unfolding Purpose in the Cosmic Play of Light, allowing the Sacred River that eternally flows and changes, to cleanse me and to inform me.

Finding Freedom in flow, I humbly ask for Divine Guidance as I Dance Life, ever revealing and realizing Self in new ways


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Happy Wesak, Full Moon in Taurus/Scorpio, and Yellow Magnetic Warrior

Happy Wesak and Full Moon in Taurus/Scorpio as well as Day 1 of the Yellow Warrior (Warrior of Love) Wavespell. Potent energies abound for this May 14th, 2014 as we move to unite Heart and Mind, and blend Love and Wisdom within ourselves, empowered and preparing to take inspired and co-operative action - from a deep and centered place....fully Present.
I'm sharing a SoulCollage card drawn for my daily practice today along with a poem that was written this morning...all seemed to assist me in understanding more deeply the energies and potential of the day..I hope all who are moved to read enjoy.
In Lak'ech
Breath of Spirit
Healing and Filling
Heart and Mind Temple
With Luminous Light
Sacred Union
Reflecting Moon
Night Blossoming Lotus
Gentle Wings
In Sacred Flight…
Return to the Garden
Deep Peace
Seeding Stars

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Spring Equinox

On this Day of Spring Equinox when the Season of Water and Winter gives Way to Fire and Spring, I celebrate the Ouroboros of conscious continuity, endings and new beginnings and WHOLENESS.

Spring is a Season of Alchemy, Movement, and Sacred Flight after several Moons of Cocooning and Stillness...On the Astrology wheel it is the watery and collective domain of Pisces and endings giving birth to the Fiery aspiration of new life and new beginnings: Pisces, Aries - WE ARE/I AM

Seeds planted (some long ago) are beginning to sprout...and there comes a new sense of freedom and of being unencumbered - a sense of excitement and of timing as we move anew into the world

Below is a SoulCollage card that I made in May, 2013 and drew yesterday (March 19, 2014) for my daily practice.  The writing accompanying the card was done this morning (March 20, 2014).

In Rhythm and Resonance
Silver meets Gold
Inner and Outer, World and Self, Self and Other
Pulsing Rivers of Life Run, Flowing
Carving Destinies upon the Enduring Vessel of Soul.
Hand skilled in the Mystery of 2
Works in co-operative alliance
Becoming the 3rd point of light
Finding FREEDOM in stillness, in movement, in sacred flight
Discovering the full range and depth of power