Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Circle of Heart

December 25 - January 3rd marks a succession of 10
Galactic Activation Portal Days [in the system of Dreamspell] ,
offering greater opportunity for amplified perception and
experience, and intensfied insights and revelations.

 Its a Powerful and Magical time for sharing and evolving, and 
to voice Heartfelt thoughts, desires, insights, concerns.
It is in this spirit of sharing that I am posting a SoulCollage® 
card created on December 26th...

“I am one who invites you to sit in the Circle of Goddess
and to Love Unconditionally. Together we create a
Powerful and Unifying force.”

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Awaken Rainbow Warriors

On this, the day of Yellow Planetary Star, in the system of Dreamspell,  
it feels right and resonant to share the passage below from the Mayan Oracle
by Ariel Spilsbury

"...The mythic call has been sounded. The great quest has begun.
Awaken, rainbow warriors, Sun runners, lum
inous beings from the
galactic alliances, federations, and councils!
Ancient skywalkers, newly formed in this moment, stand in the beauty

and power of your true identity as love's gift to Gaia.
Set aside self-doubt. You are a divine child of the Sun! Go where

your heart draws you to share your great gifts.
Surrender to the magic and the light. The miracle will be manifested on earth.
Remember, we dance and sing here for the One Heart!"

Ariel Spilsbury, - The Mayan Oracle

Meditation for Yellow Planetary Star
Kin 88

I perfect in order to Beautify
Producing Art
I seal the store of Elegance
with the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the Power of Intelligence
I am a Galactic Activation Portal, enter me

On Galactic Activation Portal Days conditions
are such that we are invited to activate our
evolutionary potential as we stand
at gateways of access to amplified perception
and greater opportunity for information
exchange. Open you Heart for new insights
and revelations and share them with the world!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Revealing Artemis

Recently I created a SoulCollage card to honor Artemis -

“I am one who is attuned to the energy of feminine leadership.
I own my own power and stand sure of foot.
I am independent, strong, confident, nature loving and a
midwife for creative ideas. I’m not afraid to take action,
yet have the ability to discern. I encourage souls to take flight,
supporting their freedom journey. I am responsive to vulnerability
while encouraging self-determination.
My hand and eye are keen and coordinated, and compliment
my intuitive nature. I’m tied to no one and connected to All –
I am Artemis.”  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Portals, Passageways, and Passages in SoulCollage

Window Rock – May 6, 2011 –

The above card is symbolic (to me) of the four diretions
of the medicine wheel (and aspects of self) being brought together
and integtated.

The NorthEast (symbolized by Snowy Owl) and very much
connected to my own biological roots through native heritage
and connection to Quebec and Nova Scotia, and the SouthWest
where I feel so at home, so drawn, so connected in the depths
of my Soul symbolized by the Red Rock and Crow Drum.

A point of transition -

Window Rock on Day 1 of Wavespell – May 17, 2011
Question for Day 1: 

How do I call forth the resonance
of my true vibration?

“I am one who is moving forward into the Light of
new possibilities”

(For further information about Dreampell Galactic Signatures
and Wavepells please see the Dreamspell page.)

My personal wavespell is that of Yellow Seed. (Your wavespell depends
upon your [Dreamspell] Galactic Signature).

A wavespell is a powerful 13 day period of time that happens once every
260 days. Its a wonderful time for intention setting and to make a commitment
to become 'more conscious in the dream' of Life. The experience can be
so magical and rewarding.

Yellow seed qualties in general are:

seed, self-germination, creation, flowering,
power of growth, seeding manifestation, awareness,
possibilities fertile ground, gestation, opening.

Yellow Seed wavespell also is about trust;
Trust that I/we will flower at the perfect time
and trust in the inner guidance I/we receive.

By cutting out the portal of the original card 'Window Rock',
I pasted in images that depict a focused intention I wished
to create during that powerful wavespell time.

The image features a Bodhi Tree, the tree Buddha
sat under, chosen for the connection to Wesak (this year during
my wavespell) and my own personal link to the sign Taurus
(Natal Moon and current Secondary Progressed Sun).

It has a moving forward sense (not always easy for the
personality expression of Taurus) as well as a meditative one
and the tree feels like it provides both roots and structure
for the new possibilities and symbolizes my own roots as well.
I realized more recently the circle of light connects to
the Blue Crystal Eagle Card that I've linked with my own
Dreamspell Galactic signature that resides in the 12 house of my
western astrology chart along with my natal Taurus moon and
currently the secondary progressed Sun.

"I am one who is surrendering to the perfection of
the larger pattern of my essence Self, trusting in the process. "

Visually creating this intention has been so helpful to me.
It felt important also to create from a SoulCollage card that
was created intuitively like the original Window Rock.
It is then that the process is so powerful and meaningful and
further connections and synchronicities continue to unfold.

Like the one I am just noticing through the writing of this passage:
the word TRUST in the I Am One Whos for both the Window Rock Card
the Blue Crystal Eagle Card!

"I am one who is surrendering to the perfection of the larger pattern
of my essence Self, trusting in the process. "

“I am one who holds the key to integrating ancient soul songs and
the biological heartbeat. NorthEast, SouthWest, I dance and drum
accessing the place where spirit and matter vibrate as one. Although
I cannot see clearly ahead, I trust my centering self.”

I'm also taking note of the word centering and how this also
picks up on the meditative tone of the Intentional Window Rock
Card 2 - something not consciously done, though brought into
the Light through the process!

There's no need to use or reference astrology or dreamspell to create an
intentional card either. It happens to be my way of understanding and synthesizing
information: drawing from a variety of methods and systems and experiencing
how they all converge/connect/become One.  Each one seems to have
some special gift to offer me.

You can create an intentional card using any method you choose - and
within any frame of reference. I'd love to hear about YOUR process if you
decide to give (or have given it)  it a try.

In Lak'ech

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Card From Sara Pranikoff

"I am one who has been awakened to the primordial soup
of my subconscious mind."

Sara is a SoulCollage facilitator in Cincinnati, Ohio who
is doing a SC workshop on October 22 from 1- 3:30 PM
with Katherine Meyer at Women Writing For a Change.
I know it will be wonderful!

Follow the link for more information

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bridging Worlds

"I am one who is journeying to the Center of the Rose"

Created on July 17th, 2011 at my first SoulCollage

workshop at Enchanted Moments in Milford, Ohio. 

This card has resurfaced in several readings,

the last being in a group oracle at the

Cincinnati SC Facilitators training August 2011 where the

question posed was about what I needed to know about

taking SoulCollage out into the world.

I've gotten some amazing insights that feel deeply

correct about this card from others.

I've also linked it to an Aura Soma color bottle,

astrological placements and a sense of Soul Mission.

It brings me great Joy to experience how all of these

systems connect and support each other and to "Know"

without a shadow of a doubt that there are Many Paths

(all valid) to the One.

I'll be posting more detailed connections at a later date

In Lak'ech

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Maverick Explorer Self

Earth Walk

 “I am one who invites you to walk into the Mysteries with me”

created Jan 23, 2011

The Happy Child

Joy, the Happy Child 

“ I am one who Trusts in the sacredness of Life.” 

created Jan 22, 2011

(Sun in Pisces, 11th sextile Moon in Taurus 12th - Jupiter trine Neptune)

Passionate, Energetic, Initiating Self

 Passionate Prince in a Field of Poppies 

“I am one who is open to new beginnings. I embrace the bright and bold colors of life and intuitively and creatively give them new form. I proclaim “I AM” and live in the moment with Joy and Passion” 

created on Jan 21, 2011

(I can feel Uranus heading toward my North Node in Aries - transiting Mars was on natal Venus on Jan 21 - Uranus in Aries is squaring my Natal Uranus in Cancer and forms a T Square with transiting Pluto in Capricorn as well)

Healer Self

Healer Under the Ponderosa Pines

 “I am one whose purpose is to heal long buried emotional wounds. My snows are those of purification; my rabbit hole, starry spiral galaxies from which my ancestors originally arrived. Their cumulative wisdom pours through me now as I chant under the ponderosa pines with the star as my shield. There are no secrets, no skeletons left. We are connected at last as snowy owl takes flight.”

created Jan 20, 2011

(Chiron in Sagittarius, 8th house trine Pluto in Leo, 4th, Trine Sedna in Aries, 12th - asteroid Quebec conjunct moon in 12th, Metis ( a goddess yet also a French-Canadian word for half-breed) conjunct Ascendant.) Transiting Sedna conjunct Ascendant.

Pathwalker Self

Hearing the Song of the Soul

“I am one who is listening to the song of the Soul.  When I listen, I am directed and on purpose. As I walk my at times solitary path I feel deep connection to All that Is”  

created Jan 15, 2011
(transiting Orcus conjunct natal Earth, oppositon natal Sun, trine natal Moon - transiting Saturn conjunct Neptune, trine Jupiter and Mercury)

Magical [Thinking] Self

Hanged Woman Dreaming in a Redwood Forest; Red Discovers a Doorway to Other Worlds––

“I am one who believes that in shifting perspectives one may open new doors. I also believe in dreams that become realities. Follow me through the magic portal; use your power to create with me”

created January 8, 2011
(Mars conjunct Neptune and the South Node of the Moon, 6th house - trine Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in Aquarius, 10th)

The Dreamer Self

“I am one who is dreaming a pathway to the stars”
created January 3, 2011

(Jupiter trine Neptune, Mercury trine Neptune, Sun in Pisces)

The Patternmaker

“I am one who is inspired to create bold and beautiful new patterns.”

created January 8, 2011
(Sun Trine Uranus, Moon Sextile Uranus, Uranus square the Nodal Axis) 

Unconditional Love - Pandora the Panda of the Bamboo Forest

I am one who strives to be a reflection of all that is in my Heart. I am aware of how unstill emotional waters may distort what I and others “see”. Yet this awareness also helps me to navigate difficulty and uncertainty more thoughtfully and carefully. I realize that each ripple I create moves outward and has effects that I can’t begin to Know – So, let each ripple be filled with Love.”

created January 7, 2011
(Jupiter in Aquarius, 10th house, opposite Pluto in Leo, 4th house, square ASC Taurus, trine Neptune in Libra, 6th house - Sun in Pisces)

Willow, 1st Chakra Spider

“I am one who has come to honor the weaver. I embrace the wisdom of the past looking back for the purposes of creating anew. I understand that all that I see without is a reflection of what I have created within. I am at the center, co-creating the life of my dreams; accessing a window of opportunity to embody and experience.”

created December 4, 2010

(I'm into my third Saturn cycle - transiting Saturn (on Dec 4) had just crossed my South Node of the Moon and is now (Dec 4) conjunct natal Neptune. Uranus, when the card was created, was in late Pisces getting ready to enter Aries and will then transit my natal North Node of the Moon. Uranus is the Soul Centered ruler of my South Node in Libra)

Musical Self

“I am one to whom the trees have given a voice.”

created: December 2, 2010
(Moon in Taurus, 12th house sextile Sun in Pisces, 11th - and conjunct secondary progressed Sun in Taurus)

Visioning Sunrise
Upon cotton candy clouds
Heart Songs sounding
I rise
upon Golden Eagle wings
Notes inspiring
Clarity, Renewal, Warmth
Liberated into spirit, Peaceful
Free and Soaring on the Wind

The Fool

“I am one who swings through the Cosmos care-free, trusting my Inner Vision to guide me”
 created July, 2010

(Sun trine Uranus)
It's wonderful to feel this free - the shadow being using it as the great escape, never landing to see what is going on in the world.