Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Awaken Rainbow Warriors

On this, the day of Yellow Planetary Star, in the system of Dreamspell,  
it feels right and resonant to share the passage below from the Mayan Oracle
by Ariel Spilsbury

"...The mythic call has been sounded. The great quest has begun.
Awaken, rainbow warriors, Sun runners, lum
inous beings from the
galactic alliances, federations, and councils!
Ancient skywalkers, newly formed in this moment, stand in the beauty

and power of your true identity as love's gift to Gaia.
Set aside self-doubt. You are a divine child of the Sun! Go where

your heart draws you to share your great gifts.
Surrender to the magic and the light. The miracle will be manifested on earth.
Remember, we dance and sing here for the One Heart!"

Ariel Spilsbury, - The Mayan Oracle

Meditation for Yellow Planetary Star
Kin 88

I perfect in order to Beautify
Producing Art
I seal the store of Elegance
with the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I am guided by the Power of Intelligence
I am a Galactic Activation Portal, enter me

On Galactic Activation Portal Days conditions
are such that we are invited to activate our
evolutionary potential as we stand
at gateways of access to amplified perception
and greater opportunity for information
exchange. Open you Heart for new insights
and revelations and share them with the world!

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