Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Alchemy of SoulCollage® and Aura-Soma®

It could be said that The Rainbow is the result, or manifestation, of the union of Sun-light (Super-conscious illumination and enlightenment) with Water (the Great Sub-Conscious and the Mysterious Unknown).

Continuing to work with the combination of SoulCollage® and Aura-Soma© is a deepening blessing in my life. Over time I am understanding more and it is with excitement and enthusiasm that I share some words that came to me about the inner and outer workings of the combination’s  process:

“SoulCollage® and Aura-Soma® are both trademarked Methods of Soul Work and self-selective modes of Healing and Self Discovery.

Soul-Collage® primarily uses Imagery and secondarily Word seeking to create powerful and transformative openings into the Unconscious.

Aura-Soma® utilizes primarily the energy of Color and secondarily that of the Plant and Mineral Kingdoms seeking to tap the Super-Conscious in powerfully opening and connecting ways.

My experience is that Together they are potently Alchemical.”

Simply put, Water (Subconscious) reflecting and refracting Sunlight (Fire- Super-conscious) is the formula for a Rainbow to appear.

Rainbow as a symbol has many significances across cultures and time with meanings rich and ancient. A few are:

Hope, Promise - A sign of God’s Promise

Calm, Brilliance after a Storm



Wholeness - Embracing the Spectrum

Interplay of Fire (Sun) and Water (Rain, Mist, Dew) = Alchemy and Transformation


Light passing through a prism to create color


Representation of Energy and Vibration

Entry into another dimension

Rainbow Bridge is a reference to the connection between heaven and earth, or the thread that consciously links the Soul and personality, path of union between lower and higher mind. (antahkarana)

As I ponder and reflect upon these and the symbol as guide and existing both within and without I am creating and painting the Art that is my Life with the colors I choose free of labels and impositions. This is how I attune to the Divine in me, in You , in ALL Beings, and utilize the gentle power of the Rainbow...

As I consider SoulCollage® through the lens of Aura-Soma® and witness others doing so as well – much additionally comes to Light. Many levels of being/understanding can be gleaned from this process:  physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.  The exploration has been fun and rewarding as well. It seems to go beyond the intellect and is filled with deep heart knowing. 

As words continue to form and as the journey continues, I’ll be sharing more here ..I welcome your comments and questions.

PS - The wotds Aura-Soma and SoulCollage in the first paragraph above (and below the Eye) are linked to websites with more information about each. Please explore there too if you are unfamiliar with either or both systems.
In Lak'ech

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